Nyase Eric Technical Associate I McGovern Institute for Brain Research Building 46-3121 Email enyase@mit.edu Phone 5052391512
O'Connell Thomas Research Scientist McGovern Institute for Brain Research Building 46-4141 Email tpo@mit.edu
O'Leary Margarita Administrative Assistant II Brain & Cognitive Sciences Building 46-5133 Email moleary@mit.edu Phone 6173240172
Ochoa Lorenzo Postdoctoral Fellow Picower Institute for Learning & Memory Building 46-6263 Email lofroclo@mit.edu Phone 9158209631
Oezkan Elsen Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Building 46 Email eoezkan@mit.edu Phone 6172521815
Ofen Noa Research Affiliate McGovern Institute for Brain Research Building 46-4033F Email noa@mit.edu Phone 6173243544
Offord Cooper Technical Associate I McGovern Institute for Brain Research Building 46 Email coopero@mit.edu Phone 6172535740