Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkSCSB Colloquium Series with Dr. Helen Tager-Flusberg: Rethinking the Place of Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder03/19/2025 4:00 pm03/19/2025 5:00 pmBuilding 46,46-3002, Singleton Auditorium
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkSCSB Lunch Series with Dr. Amrita Lamba: Neurocomputational mechanisms of disordered social interaction03/21/2025 12:00 pm03/21/2025 1:00 pmSimons Center Conference room, 46-6011,46-6011
Add to CalendarAmerica/New_YorkSCSB Lunch Series with Dr. Amrita Lamba: Neurocomputational mechanisms of disordered social interaction03/21/2025 12:00 pm03/21/2025 1:00 pmSimons Center Conference room, 46-6011,46-6011